16 April 2007

TMNT 2007 (cartoon)

The movie begins by telling of an ancient band of warriors, who could never be defeated in battle and who wished to conquer the world. Their leader discovered a ritual that takes place during the alignment of a certain constellation, and uses it to gain immortality. In exchange, however, the other warriors are turned into stone and thirteen monsters were released. In the present day, a village in Central America has been protected by a mysterious ghost of the jungle. April O'Neil, sent to retrieve an ancient artifact from the jungle by the wealthy Max Winters, begins to look into the stories and finds that the "ghost" is actually the Ninja Turtle Leonardo, who has been training for Master Splinter. April tells him that after the defeat of their old arch nemesis, The Shredder, the Turtles have grown apart as a family. Donatello works as an information technology consultant. Michelangelo, in order to bring money in, has taken a job as a masked children's birthday party character (known as "Cowabunga Carl"). No one is sure what Raphael is up to, but it is revealed that he has been scouring the streets at night as a masked vigilante, the Nightwatcher, taking a page from Casey Jones' book.[1] Struggling to keep the family together, Splinter then realizes that strange things are starting to happen in New York, ones that include his sons.

Immortal tech-industrialist Max Winters, who attempted to conquer the world three thousand years ago by amassing an army of monsters using an ancient device to open a portal during an alignment of nine stars, is seemingly at work at the plot again. In the process, he reawakens his siblings, called the "Stone Generals", from their sleep (the four having been recovered unknowingly by April). Furthermore, Winters has enlisted the help of Karai, a minion of the erstwhile Shredder,[2] who is intent on restoring the glory of her late master. Karai has assumed leadership of the fearsome Foot Clan and throughout the majority of the film, she is an elusive, adept ninja and commander who directs her troops in accordance with Winters' wishes of opening the portal.

As the film progresses, the Turtles reacquaint with one another and enlist the help of their old allies, Casey Jones and April O'Neil, in order to put a stop to Winters' plans and save the world. Leonardo returns to New York City and re-assumes the leadership of his brothers, though this creates much contention between Raph and Leo; much of the movie focuses on the discord between the two, ending in a duel between the them which Raph feels will determine the true leader of the Turtles. The battle grows on and ends with Raphael the victor. Raphael's sais were intertwined with Leonardo's katanas and the last strike breaks the katana blades and Raphael pins Leonardo to the ground. Coming to the realization of what he had done and fearing his actions, Raphael runs off. Leonardo is assaulted soon after this, and is captured by the Stone Generals, who have turned against Winters in not wanting to return to being a mortal. Hearing Leonardo's painful scream, Raphael runs back to track the usurpers, though to no avail.

Raphael returns home angry with himself and, much like Leonardo before him, calls upon Master Splinter for leadership advice. Raphael admits to his sensei that he realizes why Leonardo was chosen over him. Splinter reminds him that while he may not be the greatest student, that does not make him any less the old rat's son; Raphael, like Leonardo, is a strong, loyal and brave warrior, but in order to be a leader these qualities must be tempered by humility and patience. The old rat decides that the time for hiding is now over. The three brothers then set out to save Leonardo and, with the help of Splinter, Jones, and O'Neil, they take on the Foot in their attempt to rescue Leonardo. They rescue their leader and Raphael has new katana blades for Leonardo. Raphael then asks Leonardo to lead them and mentions that they need him. In a touching scene of brotherly love, Leonardo returns the statement, "I need you, too [on this team]!" With that statement, the team is finally whole.

Although Winters is considered evil by the Turtles and their allies throughout the film, he ultimately is redeemed by his good intentions; his motives for opening the portal were to return thirteen beasts already released to where they came from, return his siblings to mortality and flesh, and restore his own mortality. One of the Soldiers realizes Winters' true intentions and begins to rally the others into mutiny, though the Turtles ultimately thwart this attempt, with the help of Jones, O'Neil, the Foot Clan and Master Splinter. After the battle is won, Karai says that even though the Foot Clan helped them this time, they will return for revenge with the help of "familiar faces", implying the return of the Shredder. The brothers look at each other in astonishment, with Raph saying, "You don't think she means...". Karai and the rest of the Foot ninjas vanish in a puff of smoke.

Winters, after thanking April, Casey, and the Turtles for their help of returning his mortality, levitates into the air and disentegrates, leaving only his helmet. The next scene shows Splinter back at the lair placing Winters' helmet on a shelf along with other helmets and artifacts from the Turtles adventures. These include the Shredder's helm, the TGRI vial, and several samurai masks. Raphael asks if he has room for one more, and places his Nightwatcher helmet on the shelf. Mikey then asks if he can put his Cowabunga Carl mask in there with them. The film ends with the Turtles jumping and flipping over rooftops of the city with Raphael's voiceover, "We live together, train together, and fight together and that's why we'll always be...brothers. Oh, I love bein' a turtle!"

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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8

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